#116 Custom error pages (404 Not found and 500 Internal server error)

error pages

Ruby on Rails #116 Custom error pages (404 Not found and 500 Internal server error)

When you create a new rails app, error pages like 404 and 500 are automatically generated in the public folder.
To make your app look more professional, you might want to style these pages using the same CSS framework as all other parts of your app.

Episode source code: https://github.com/corsego/116-custom-error-pages/commit/b6bebd791bd3d84e6a7a6d04769d96335557ba79
Based on this blogpost: https://blog.corsego.com/custom-error-pages

0:00 You need to update the error pages for your app
0:50 Add custom error pages
5:42 Style your error pages with Tailwind
8:43 Demo of the styled sexy error pages

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