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#181 Search and Autocomplete French Company Information

stimulusjs hotwire 🇫🇷 France

Let's solve a common business problem!
Allow users to find a company in a public company registry via API and autocomplete company info.

While building this feature you will also learn how to use and combine Rails frontend tools like RequestJS + Turbo Streams + StimulusJS in an elegant way!

In this example we will search French open company data.
To make it work with other countries, you will need just a few tweaks like updating the search URL.

🇫🇷 web search: [member-only link]
🇫🇷 API description: [member-only link]
🇫🇷 API docs: [member-only link]

Episode source code: [member-only link]
Text version: [member-only link]