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nooh43 nooh43

Big thanks, I learned a lot from your content, what could've taken me days to learn took me minutes!

kristian-presso kristian-presso

Thank you so much for making all the content that you do! Somehow you always make the videos just when I need them and honestly your content and topics are great - it’s help me so much with the things I’ve been struggling with, or just things I haven’t thought about. Thank you for all you do to teach new developers Ruby on Rails. Definitely a channel all aspiring new coders should follow!

dominiclizarraga dominiclizarraga

Yaro's tutorials are always 100% applicable to my day-to-day work. His approach is very pragmatic with real use cases.

His videos often save the day!

r0busta r0busta

Yaroslav is a one of the RoR experts whose courses about very complex topics are easy to follow and approachable, which is very rare these days. I still use the multi-tenancy architecture he has a course about in all of my Rails apps.


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