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Friendly S2E7 Nick Sutterer - Trailblazer and ViewComponents daddy and heart of the party


Nick is one of the most fun exciting people to be around!

He has a few superpowers:

  1. Developing unique Ruby tools way ahead of their time

He created Trailblazer as a better way to structure business logic in Rails apps than Services. Way ahead of DDD! https://github.com/trailblazer/trailblazer

He created Cells that inspired ViewComponent https://github.com/trailblazer/cells

  1. Presenting on stage. So far he did over 100 conference and meet-up appearances! He has a natural charm and can always make you laugh.

  2. Heart of the party. Find him on a Rails conference and learn for yourself!

His only social profile is https://github.com/apotonick

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