#4: seeds, faker, pagy, ransack, strftime


In this Code-Along video series we'll be building a new home for all the videos - SupeRails.com.

Github repo: https://github.com/yshmarov/superails
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seeds.rb and gem faker https://github.com/yshmarov/superails/commit/6aab4781b681f0256313b95a226f2f2342dc0e7a
gem pagy for pagination https://github.com/yshmarov/superails/commit/cb5dad78bb9ee7fabb7e0c3099b445eef0a7edde
gem ransack to search and filter users gem ransack to search and filter users
user created_at strftime https://github.com/yshmarov/superails/commit/bd5eaee19881e4e59f7777fcc19b78d6fd68a70a

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