Getting Started with Turbo Native in Ruby on Rails | SupeRails #184

hotwire apple iOS outdated
  • Run and explore the Turbo Native Demo app
  • What is Strada?
  • Run Turbo Native on any URL
  • Create a new Turbo Native app
  • The current best way to create a new app

Let's learn to build mobile apps with Hotwire using Turbo Native!

0:00 Run and explore the Turbo Native Demo app
5:25 What is Strada?
7:22 Run Turbo Native on any URL
8:44 Create a new Turbo Native app
12:30 The current best way to create a new app

Turbo Native iOS:
Turbo Navigator branch:

Shoutout to @joemasilotti - he has great examples on YouTube, his blog, and GitHub for building Turbo Native apps πŸ™ I learned a lot from him.

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