Reverse Engineering a Web App: Pipplet Language Testing Platform

reverse engineering database architecture

🔍 Recently Pipplet app has come to my spotlight.
It is an online language testing platform, used by businesses to evaluate a candidates skills.
As a pleasant surprise, the platform does not offer multiple-choice questions.
Instead, it has open-ended questions.
That way candidates are less likely to be able to cheat.

👨‍💻 In this session I am planning to navigate their UI and map-out how I would reproduce their apps functionality.

Link to the Database Diagram that I created:

Text walkthrough with screenshots:

⚠️ I am in no way affiliated with Pipplet. I do not endorse their platform either. This video is solely in educational purposes.

This is Episode 115.

In Episode 57 I did database modelling based on a Figma file. Check it out:

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