Ruby on Rails #115 Multitenancy, Teams and Roles without a gem
Want to learn more on the topic?
Here's a DISCOUNT for my complete course Ruby on Rails: Learn to Build a Multitenancy SaaS app
In this episode we will:
- let users register
- let users create tenants/accounts/organizations/workspaces
- user who created tenant automatically becomes admin
- invite users to become members of the app
- invited users are not admins
- allow only members to access parts of the app scoped to the tenant
Setting tenant based on routes is the best, because you can have multiple tenants open in different tabs (unlike adding current_tenant_id current_user).
Second best option is subdomain multitenancy, but that is harder to pull off and maintain.
Row-based multitenancy is the most popular choice, and it is used in Rails SaaS starterkits like Bullettrain and Jumpstartpro.
Episode source code:
Database architecture:
0:00 Multitenancy examples
4:35 static pages controller
6:28 install devise
8:48 scaffold tenants
10:31 generate members resource
12:34 tenant creator becomes admin member, member authorization
16:12 install devise invitable
17:31 diplay tenant members
20:20 invite users to be members of tenant
26:42 member authorization
28:50 Final demo and thoughts