Moneygun - Multitenancy & Teams boilerplate | SupeRails #208

Mulitenancy saas saas boilerplate

In Episode 115 we created a multi-tenant application without any gems.

Multitenancy was row-based, and we set current tenant via routes.

Episode 115:

Based on this I created a well-tested boilerplate multi-tenant application.

The name is Moneygun.

Why? Because adding this architecture early in your app development will help you save & make a lot of money!

Save money - on future refactoring.

Make money - on making your apps business-friendly early.

0:00 Teams should be an MVP feature!
2:50 Invite users to organizations
5:20 Role-based access
6:52 Switch between organizations
8:00 Different sidebars
8:30 Inspect Gemfile
9:29 Super Scaffolding

Moneygun source code:

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