Authentication-Zero: What Rails 8 Authentication Wants to Be When It Grows Up | SupeRails #205


Some people don't like Devise because:

  • it feels too much like magic
  • it can be hard to extend

Rails 8 authentication aims to solve these objections by generating all the authentication code INSIDE your app. No more outsourcing of authentication logic!

BUT Rails 8 authentication is still very raw. It lacks registrations, session management, test generators & more. I don't think it's production-ready (yet).

Authentication-Zero already has everything Rails 8 authentication generator could ever want to include!

In this episode we will run the Authentication-Zero generators and see how a few of its plugins work.

Even if you are not planning to use the gem now, it is a wonderful learning source for building different authentication-related features.

Authentication-Zero source code:
Based on this blogpost:
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