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Nav Button Component | Hotwire Native Bridge | SupeRails #203

iOS hotwire native

In this episode you will:

  • Learn to install & use Bridge Button component.
  • Extend Bridge Button to accept images.
  • Learn what happens if there are multiple bridge buttons defined in your HTML? (The last definition gets rendered)


  • [βœ… Blogpost]([member-only link]
  • [Hotwire Native iOS source code]([member-only link]
  • [iOS Bridge ButtonComponent example]([member-only link]
  • [UIBarButtonItem docs]([member-only link]
  • [Hotwire Native Bridge repo]([member-only link]
  • [Hotwire Native Bridge installation guide]([member-only link]

./bin/importmap pin @hotwired/stimulus @hotwired/hotwire-native-bridge