#39 Devise Authentication from ZERO

  • Introduction
  • Static Pages. Hello world
  • Install Gem Devise
  • Url for user to sign in
  • see if user is logged in
  • LogOut button
  • see user data only if logged in
  • conditionally display user data or LogOut
  • conditionally LogIn or LogOut
  • user-only access

Episode covering user log-in functionality for for entry-level developers.

Source code: https://github.com/corsego/39-devise-basics
Gem devise: https://github.com/heartcombo/devise#getting-started

0:00 Introduction
1:20 Static Pages. Hello world
5:35 Install Gem Devise
11:25 Url for user to sign in
12:25 see if user is logged in
13:47 LogOut button
15:11 see user data only if logged in
15:51 conditionally display user data or LogOut
16:25 conditionally LogIn or LogOut
18:39 user-only access

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