#183 Rails 7.2 Rate limiting for Devise - Guard your app from spam and bots!

devise security

πŸ”’ Secure your app from password-guessing attacks, spam, and abuse by rate-limiting your sign-up and sign-in pages.

I always rely on the wonderful rack-attack gem for this, capping requests per IP within a set timeframe.

Now Rails 7.2 adds native rate limiting out of the box!

Let's add rate limiting to your Devise Sign Up and Sign In pages & secure your app! πŸ›‘οΈ

Episode source code: https://github.com/corsego/183-rails-native-rate-limiting/commit/54b962dfa0a7e6407f99e4b3251e61edd5df964e
Based on this blogpost: https://blog.corsego.com/rails-rate-limiting

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