Is DocRaptor worth it? Puppeteer, DocRaptor, WeasyPrint

docraptor pdf puppeteer ferrum

In E155 I talked about DocRaptor - a premium API for generating and storing PDF via the PrinceXML HMTL-to-PDF technology.

Today I am joined by James Paden who explains the intricacies of PDF generation and talks about free alternatives (puppetteer, weasyprint).

I have always considered HMTL to PDF is a fundamental technology that should be open source.

My key takeaways:

  • To generate a one-page document, use a headless browser PDF generator.
  • To have full control of mulip-page document formatting, use Prince/Docraptor.

Free HTML to PDF (python) tool recommended by James:

Disclaimer: This episode is sponsored by @docraptorhtmltopdfdocument8232 . Thanks guys!

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