#8: Posts access, AJAX voting, pagination, search, styling
Github repo:
Live demo:
basic bootstrap styling for posts and users, post view validations
vote for posts with gem acts_as_votable
posts pagination and ransack search
ransack sorting for posts
basic bootstrap styling for posts and users, post view validations https://github.com/yshmarov/superails/commit/ab372f106f104461cd8e93fc3e52a59fed43d8e7
vote for posts with gem acts_as_votable https://github.com/yshmarov/superails/commit/69fba2e3cdad33c47a05e62545c7e0a0f9187696
posts pagination and ransack search https://github.com/yshmarov/superails/commit/8988ac2b7004e9d26e065a7db8abf07a7b694d84
ransack sorting for posts