#3: Notifications, Devise Confirmable, AWS SES, LetterOpener


In this Code-Along video series we'll be building a new home for all the videos - SupeRails.com.

Github repo: https://github.com/yshmarov/superails
Live demo: https://superails.com/

0:00 Intro
0:26 styling for notifications
10:20 devise confirmable
17:40 confirm account from console
18:52 auto sign in after confirmation
21:50 autoconfirm omniauth email
24:30 Sending Emails in development and production
29:35 Amazon SES + your domapn (namecheap)
33:33 Get Amazon SES API keys
39:08 Amazon SES email address not verified
41:09 default outbound email addresses
43:22 gem letter opener
48:38 I AM TIRED

styling for notifications https://github.com/yshmarov/superails/commit/306be3598f057801683ba691914fba24feb06283
devise confirmable https://github.com/yshmarov/superails/commit/254d5209ac1c553e7687ddc0ad204c32ac10554d
send emails in production with aws ses https://github.com/yshmarov/superails/commit/6bca0dd421db86262d91a85e312bceb27b719ee1
gem letter opener for development https://github.com/yshmarov/superails/commit/ed4d91dd5ef8705340c51f483516b278d491ccff

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